2. If I can be an Ocean『바다가 들린다』
3. Stroll:The Opening Song『이웃집 토토로』
4. My Neighbor Totoro『이웃집 토토로』
5. Carrying You『천공의 성 라퓨타』
6. Princess Mononoke『원령공주 (모노노케 히메)』
7. Been Enveloped by Tenderness『마녀 배달부 키키』
8. Symbol Theme Song『바람계곡의 나우시카』
9. Become The Wind『고양이의 보은』
10. Le Temps des Cerises『붉은 돼지』
11. Once in a While, Talk of the Old Days『붉은 돼지』
12. Take Me Home, Country Road『귀를 기울이면』
13. Home Sweet Home『반딧불의 묘』
14. The Promise of the World『하울의 움직이는 성』
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